Free Online Test Of Russian

writing a letter

Free Online Test of Russian helps determine the Russian Language level for the students who learn Russian as a Second Language. There are several different systems to measure and determine the levels.

One of the most traditional systems for foreign languages defines four basic levels:

  • Beginner (A1)
  • Elementary (A2)
  • Intermediate (B1)
  • Advanced (B2)

Also, when test the Russian Language, the different skills are usually measured differently.

  • Listening
  • Reading
  • Speaking
  • Writing

In our Free Online Test Of Russian, you will get a general idea of where you are in terms of language proficiency. You will read, choose the words according to the different grammatical aspects of the Russian Language. You will also find some audio content to help you measure your ability to understand spoken Russian.

Enjoy your test and don’t forget to share your results.

Free Language Test Russian As Second Language

Что он делает?

guy on bike

Он учится в университете. Кто он?

Она управляет самолётом. Кто она?

Во сколько завтра *----------* твой брат?

Какая музыка тебе нравится больше *-----------*?

Мои друзья много *-----------*.

Открой, пожалуйста, дверь. Там *-----------* пришёл.

Мария умеет играть *-----------* рояле.

Все студенты были рады *-----------*

Вы забыли дома ручку, и вам нечем писать. Попросите ручку у соседа.

Фильм рассказывает о неудачливом сотруднике банка, которого все унижают. Он находит волшебную маску. Надевая ее, он становится неуязвимым, смелым и уверенным в себе.

У меня есть фото, *---------* мне подарили родственники.

У нас есть собака. *----------* её отдали соседи.

Подставьте предлог и раскройте скобки. Сотрудники магазина идут *----------* (широкий коридор).

Зимой люди часто *-------------* гриппом.

Каждый день я *-------------* в парке по полчаса

Как долго мы *----------* знаем друг друга?

В учебниках, как правило, всегда *-------------* нужное определение для всех понятий.

Фридман за большой вклад в развитие современной *-----------* получил Нобелевскую премию.

Для приобретения *-----------* средства обращайтесь по следующему адресу.

Первыми лауреатами премии *-------------* россиян стали врачи.

Online Free Test Of Russian
Beginner - A1

Boy Beginner Russian Language

Beginner - A1 You are at the beginning of a journey. You still struggle with the Russian alphabet, and Grammar is a mystery land to you:) Keep going, play some more interactive games or try out a Free Tutoring Session with a Pro (the link to a Free lesson is at the top menu). Learning Russian is fun!
Elementary - A2

Elementary Dive in Russian Language

Elementary - A2 Be at Elementary Level means you getting there! You already could ask simple questions and understand the general idea of the answer. You know a lot of basic words and understand how they are connected in a sentence. The detailed context may slip away from you. Grammar is also a challenge. Keep going, play some more interactive games or try out a Free Tutoring Session with a pro (the link to a Free lesson is at the top menu). Learning Russian is fun!
Intermediate - B1

Intermediate - B1 This is impressive! Intermediate Level is a lot! You understand complex sentences quite well, and you can communicate with the Native Speakers to support your everyday needs, and speak about common topics. You understand basic Russian grammar, see the difference between tenses, conjugations, and Russian cases. You might successfully pass some exams assessing Russian as Second Language if you prepare for the exam with a pro (the link to a Free lesson is at the top menu). Learning Russian is fun!.
Advanced - B2

Advanced Pro Russian Language Biker

Advanced - B2 Wow! Advanced Level is when you enjoy and practice the Russian language freely and in full. You are a master of the Russian language as a second language. You can communicate on a common, academic, and philosophical level expressing your ideas, dreams, and opinions. You read, translate, and understand complex sentences in Russian. You understand spoken language along with a written one. You can successfully pass OPI in Russian, especially if you prepare for the exam with a pro (the link to a Free lesson is at the top menu). Learning Russian is fun!

Share your Results:

*This test is provided for self-education purposes and entertainment only.

If you wish to get tested by the assigned officials, I would recommend you to consider getting an OPI Certificate in Russian by ACTFEL. This is an official document that proves your proficiency level in Russian to any concerned part.

They have a bit more complicated system determining the levels. Starting with Novice Low, they measure all the aspects of the Russian Language, including (for Superior levels) the ability to communicate on academic and philosophical levels. Wanna know more about this exam? Read this article.

Still, have some questions? I got my certificate there too 😃 so ask me!